Friday 27 March 2015

If you discover pests in your attic you may need to replace your insulation

This spring if you discover that you've had unwanted guests over the winter in your attic you may need to have your insulation removed and replaced.

In addition to insulation getting damaged from fire, water, and mould, animals such as bats, birds, racoons or rodents can cause a big problem.

pests raccoons bats insects insulation removal damage attic barrieBats are common in Southern Ontario and they are commonly found residing in attics. The colony size can vary from a few to several thousand. They are known to help control the mosquito problem. In fact, everyday they consume their own weight in mosquitoes. This can lead to huge waste problems if bats choose your attic for a roost. Bats can squeeze through a roof vent or a small hole about the size of a quarter. Typically bats tend to live in colonies and often these colonies can grow to number in the thousands. Large numbers of bats if left unchecked can leave behind large mounds of faeces and urine in your attic. Hot summer temperatures can cause a distinct unpleasant smell in your home. Furthermore, bat droppings may contain parasites harmful to human health. These parasites can cause diseases such as Histoplasmosis, when workers are exposed to elevated concentrations. Personal protection and good hygiene measures should be followed whenever bat droppings are removed or disturbed. Pigeons and other birds can cause similar damage, and also may be harmful to your health. Our employees are fully trained and protected with the appropriate personal protection. 

Wildlife animals such as squirrels or raccoons may be enticed to live in an attic. It is a warm, dry and comfortable habitat. However, these animals can do a lot of damage to your home and the insulation. They tend to move the insulation around; leaving cold, bare spots that can lead to ice damage, water intrusion, mould and general discomfort in your home. Furthermore, animals leave behind urine and faeces which can also lead to foul smells and water stains on ceilings. These droppings must be treated with the utmost care. Parasites and bacteria within the waste, can lead to severe illness if inhaled or ingested.

If wildlife has been living in your attic the insulation should be removed and all electrical wiring inspected by a qualified electrician.

Georgian Insulation Systems', modern removal system and trained professionals will quickly and safely remove your old insulation. All debris is safely vacuumed from your attic, eliminating the risks associated with old fashioned manual removal methods. Other companies manually scoop the insulation into plastic garbage bags. These bags are then carried through your home they could potentially burst or tear, releasing contamination into the occupied space.

Georgian Insulation Systems, utilizes a 95 hp custom built; truck mounted vacuum system to remove all types of old or damaged insulation. The insulation is vacuumed through an eight inch hose, and then pumped into an enclosed disposal container. The container is fitted with high efficiency filters that ensure a clean safe operation. HEPA filters can be added for hazardous materials. Once removed the insulation is properly disposed of at a suitable waste recycling facility.

Give us a call to investigate any problems you have with attic insulation.  1-866-576-9338. Or visit our website and request a call-back quote.